How to Share Test Context between Cucumber Steps, in this post we will explain it and share our implementation Scenario Context class holds the test data information explicitly. It helps you store values in a key-value pair between the steps. Moreover, it helps in organizing step definitions better rather than using private variables in step definition classes….
Category: Back-End
resources for back-end programming techniques and a good source of imagination for java and php
How To Improve Your Assertions Using AssertJ
Overview: As you might already know,Fluent APIs make your code readable and easily maintainable. We already have seen few articles on designing Page Objects and Business Workflows in fluent style. In this article, Lets see how we could include fluent assert statements for your automated tests using AssertJ library. Take a look at the examples…
Java Adapter Pattern explanation
Let us return to the consideration of structural design patterns. This time we will look at a design pattern called Adapter (also called the Wrapper along with the Facade pattern). This article will talk about the following: Object adapter Class Adapter The difference between the adapter and the facade An example of using an adapter…
Rest-Assured best practice
Testing RESTful Web Services can be cumbersome because you have to deal with low-level concerns which can make your tests verbose, hard to read and to maintain. Fortunately, there are libraries and best practices helping you to keep your integration tests concise, clean, decoupled and maintainable. This post covers those best practices. Use Reusable RequestSpecifications…
Type of constructors in java
In this post we will explain type of constructors in java and what is the difference between constructors and methods. What is a constructor Constructor is a block of code that initializes the newly created object. A constructor resembles an instance method in java but it’s not a method as it doesn’t have a return…